ZofzPCB.com - Rafal Powierski is a sole proprietorship company located in Cologne, Germany.
I have been fascinated by electronics and especially PCB technology from early childhood.
CRT graphics were the most essential feature of my first owned, self-built Z80 computer. My first big projects were related to generating moving computer images in the PC/XT era, that of course, required building special hardware.
I have moved to the Computer Vision projects for some time. Later, I got back to the GPUs when I saw The Witcher game, running on my friend's powerful Direct3D hardware. Of course, I needed an excuse to buy my own serious Graphic Card.
The Matrix made me very interested in simulations, especially EM simulation. However, later on, I have realized how complicated it is, both marketing and development-wise.
Now, I am developing ZofzPCB in the hope of creating a useful and cool tool.
And BTW, "Zofz" is my nickname.